Being in a relationship with someone is not always easy, because many times we need to let go some behaviors, create new rules, respect differences, work limitations and create a new home structure that can be functional. This Essay was aimed at checking the sexual desire and its evolution according to the time of relationship; in order to achieve that, it is necessary to understand what may influence the sexual response. As a result, one needs to understand the human sexual response and exploit its nuances, mainly taking into consideration that life quality of a couple is associated with the biopsychosocial sphere, i.e., psychological, social and biological features that permeate individual and dual life of this couple; therefore, external and internal events may cause, or keep a sexual dysfunction associated with desire both for men and for women. It is also possible to perceive that some types of beliefs spread by the common sense also influence the way these people understand and live sexual relationship, and such conditions may make some disagreements easier. Therefore, thinking and rethinking on such spheres is also efficient for treatment of these difficulties. Realizing how communication may work for the couple is extremely important, because through it the couple may reduce the interrelation disagreements, as well as may exploit the possibility to keep sexual practice, i.e., sex in addition to being practiced, may also be spoken, in order to know the partner, understand his/her wishes and combine wishes to phantasies as new possibilities of pleasure. For this essay, around 150 people were studied, out of whom, 109 were men and forty-one were women, all pieces of data were obtained through the Sexual Desire Inventory (SDI-2), contained in the dead file of a clinic specialized in psychotherapy focused on sexuality of the city of São Paulo, during 1997 and 2007; the individuals researched were in relationships of one month to 40 years and all of them had some direct or indirect sexual complaint, the instrument is comprised of 14 questions, which assess sexual, individual, dyadic desire and by non-specific person, the analysis was made through segregation of each sub-item getting to obtainment of the averages of the responses as of each category. The results found brought the perception that both social affirmations, to increase desire due to relationship time and increase of intimacy, or decrease of desire due to the routine may be true; however, it shows that the sexual repertory and quality of communication may directly influence this relationship. In accordance with the results found, it is worth stressing that the first social affirmation appears more frequently in the female discourse, in turn, the discourse that keeping sexual activity with a fixed partner throughout time is outworn and that is usually more related to men tends to have certain discrepancy, as compared to the results obtained characterizing certain increase of male sexual desire throughout the relationship.
Título: Variation of sexual desire and time of relationship, an exploratory study
Autores: Diego Henrique Viviani; Oswaldo Martins Rodrigues Jr.; Ítor Finotelli Jr.
Palavras-Chave: sexual desire; sexual dysfunctions; solitary desire; dyadic desire; female sexuality
Categoria: Trabalhos publicados em eventos científicos
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