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The psychotherapic approach of the sexual complaints is initiated with erectile dysfunction treatments by means of systematic desensitization in the 1950’s and is developed throughout the 1960’s and 1970’s upon acknowledgment of other sexual complaints, requiring new organizations for diagnoses and treatments. The current approach of the São Paulo Sexuality Institute (Instituto Paulista de Sexualidade) has allowed for easy manners for diagnosis and treatment. Diagnosis shall be comprised of acknowledgment of the major complaint and secondary complaints, sexual and no sexual. Submission to physicians for a physical evaluation is always attempted in parallel. Psychosexual diagnosis - Semi-structured interview with the complainant, Sexuality Inventories (according to the major complaint), Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Sexual Desire Inventory, Sexual Self-Efficacy Scale, Psychological Personality Tests, as required. Semi-structured interview with the partner - Sexuality Inventories (according to the major complaint), Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Sexual Desire Inventory, Sexual Self-Efficacy Scale, Psychological Personality Tests (if understanding psychiatric aspects is required). In addition to the major complaint which brings the patient to the first appointment, other sexual issues that may require technical care need to be acknowledged. Sexual issues to be recognized - man: sexual desire inhibition, extraordinary/specific sexual preferences/paraphilia, hyper-sexuality (compulsive or not), erectile dysfunction, fast/premature ejaculation, ejaculatory inhibition, anorgasmia, dyspareunia (intra or post-intercourse), post-intercourse cephalalgia. Woman: sexual desire inhibition, extraordinary/specific sexual preferences/paraphilia, hyper-sexuality (compulsive or not), Excitation dysfunction, vaginismus, anorgasmia, dyspareunia (intra or post-intercourse), post-intercourse cephalalgia. Couple: couple’s sexual inadequacy. General psychological issues to be acknowledged: difficulties in marital relationship, lack of assertiveness, lack of or low emotional expressiveness, depressive status, anxiety status, psychiatric issues. Psychotherapy focused on sexuality, usually taking place with weekly 50-minute sessions, preferably with the couple, but usually intercalating individual sessions with the patient who is the focus of the major complaint. As a focal process, some common techniques are used more frequently, although these should be introduced at an appropriate time respecting individual differences. In relation to the usual psychotherapic techniques in sexual psychotherapy; intercourse suspension, relaxation techniques, verbal and non-verbal communication techniques, assertive training techniques, bibliotherapy, therapy bath, Sensorial Focalization, managed masturbation, psychopedagogic orientations. The psychotherapic processes focused on sexuality allow for an increasing solution of the sexual complaint throughout the weeks, producing decrease of anxieties and the symptom. In this proposal, the focus is more specific, allowing for acknowledgment of secondary sexual complaints that could produce failures in the use of techniques aimed at the major complaint.


Título: The role of psychologist and the psychodiagnosis and psychotherapy processes focused on sexuality

Autores: Oswaldo Martins Rodrigues Jr.; Diego Henrique Viviani; Carla Zeglio;  Carolina Fernandes; Ítor Finotelli Jr.; Juliana Simão Bonetti

Palavras-Chave: sexual dysfunctions; sexual behavior; sexual psychotherapy

Categoria: Trabalhos publicados em eventos científicos


Referência: Rodrigues Jr., O. M., Viviani, D. H., Zeglio, C., Fernandes, C., Finotelli Jr., I., & Bonetti, J. S. (2013). The role of psychologist and the psychodiagnosis and psychotherapy processes focused on sexuality. Trabalho apresentado no VII World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. WCBCT 2013 Abstract Book, Lima, 864-865.